Look what’s tip toeing through the tulips!

It’s boxy and costs the same as a sports car. Yet tulip farmers across the Netherlands would rather spend $200,000 on a new high-tech AI robot named Theo developed to root out sick tulip bulbs that can compromise the famous patchwork quilts of color.

A formula for achieving ‘flow’?

A formula for achieving ‘flow’?

In the groove? In sync? In the flow? Whatever you call the state of mind associated with peak creativity and productivity, psychologists at Yale University say they have developed a mathematical theory to cultivate such a seemingly subjective experience. Is it possible to “be in the flow” with a formula?

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What’s up in the clouds?

What’s up in the clouds?

From a recent interview with Dr. Taha Kass-Hout, chief medical officer and director of machine learning at Amazon Web Services, we captured some takeaways about the benefits of cloud computing for medical device design, manufacturing and capabilities/performance.

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Prehistoric man weighs in on back pain

Prehistoric man weighs in on back pain

For years, chronic back pain has perplexed doctors and patients alike. Yet a recently published study claims that Neanderthals suggest the reasons why. How could an early type of hominid that lived on planet earth between 200,000 to 30,000 years ago provide back pain insight in the 21st century?

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The One Thing

The One Thing

A book for achievers who want to know why long ‘to do’ lists need to be replaced by short success lists, readers also learn the “truths” that derail success and the “lies” that sustain success with the brilliance of The One Thing.

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Creative approach to creativity training

Creative approach to creativity training

Can adults learn how to be creative? Yes, claim researchers, especially since children reportedly lose their creativity after four or five years of schooling when educational instruction focuses more on logic, semantics and memory training.

Until recently, creativity training employed a 1950s technique known as divergent thinking—a “computational approach”

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Seeds have a history

Seeds have a history

Today’s tale is a shout out to spring and what’s behind those green shoots and budding flowers, which at one time or another began with a seed. When we did some digging around, we found some dazzling “dirt” about how long seeds can do nothing before doing something.

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